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Waste Bags, 2019-2020.

This series of drawings is called Biodegradable or Waste Bags. I started it in November 2019 when travelling  between Ottawa and Montreal by train. I needed to draw, I had a pen my friend grabbed from Fedex at a job fair, so the Rail Canada waste bag looked like a good place for drawing.  


To me, the paper (bag, canvas etc) is the body and the drawing is the mind when it comes to Fine Arts.


Garbage bags metaphorically represent the bodies of people after death and their "waste" when it comes to saving lives, in relation to the possibility of organ transplantation. It is a personal and collective matter. Many people wait for organs they cannot live without. I personally waited a long time before receiving a kidney from an unknown cadaver donor.


At this sad and almost unbelievable historical moment, I believe that after everything that is happening during the Pandemic this work has become even more present and real. In many countries bodies were literally left in garbage bags. It's hard to breath without smelling fear, suffering, death and putrefaction all over the planet. 

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